has product from leading insurance companies and we aim to provide a range of different products and clarity of choice. The website will allow comparison for a range of age groups and type of customers and holiday activities. There is on-line medical screening facility which allows customers to compare products and then buy on-line having the policy emailed to you within minutes of the buy transaction.
For those who require cover for pre-existing illness, an online screening facility is provided to allow you to declare specific conditions. The comparison facility will then show and compare the insurers who will specifically accept the pre-existing illness risk as part of your cover.
Importantly you can focus your search by using the various tabs to select the products and limits that most suit your requirements. will continue to evolve and change facilities to meet the changing needs of customers and their travel requirements.
We have worked with insurers, intermediaries and also developed our owned brands alongside to ensure a broad selection of product choice. We are a comparison website and we do not provide an advisory service. It remains crucial that you examine the details of quotations provide and that you look carefully to ensure that this meets your personal circumstances and travel needs.
It is our intention that quotes are presented in a clear and easily accessible manner. It is not intended to have all and every brand and insurer represented, as we believe this can often make it difficult to compare, where prices can look low until you read the small print. We have tried to avoid including those policies that have very high excess, as this can effectively negate the benefit of cover in certain sections. enables you to compare prices, cover, limits and excess. There are many sections of cover in a travel insurance policy it is important that you read the policy terms and conditions to ensure that it is the appropriate cover for you and your travel plans.